Installation ============ There are a number of ways to install Elassandra: from the tarball_, with the `deb package`_ or `rpm package`_, with a `docker image`_, or even from :ref:`source `. Elassandra is based on Cassandra and ElasticSearch, thus it will be easier if you're already familiar with one on these technologies. Tarball ------- Elassandra requires at least Java 8. Oracle JDK is the recommended version, but OpenJDK should work as well. You can check which version is installed on your computer:: $ java -version java version "1.8.0_121" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode) Once java is correctly installed, download the Elassandra tarball: .. parsed-literal:: wget \|release|/elassandra-|version|.tar.gz Then extract its content: .. parsed-literal:: tar -xzf elassandra-|version|.tar.gz Go to the extracted directory: .. parsed-literal:: cd elassandra-|version| If you need, configure ``conf/cassandra.yaml`` (cluster name, listen address, snitch, ...), then start elassandra:: bin/cassandra -f -e This starts an Elassandra instance in foreground, with ElasticSearch enabled. Afterwards your node is reachable on localhost on port 9042 (CQL) and 9200 (HTTP). Keep this terminal open and launch a new one. To use cqlsh, we first need to install the Cassandra driver for python. Ensure python and pip are installed, then:: sudo pip install cassandra-driver Now connect to the node with cqlsh:: bin/cqlsh Then you must be able to type CQL commands. See the `CQL reference `_. Also, we started Elassandra with ElasticSearch enabled (according to the ``-e`` option), so let's request the REST API:: curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/ You should get something like: .. parsed-literal:: { "name" : "", "cluster_name" : "Test Cluster", "cluster_uuid" : "7cb65cea-09c1-4d6a-a17a-24efb9eb7d2b", "version" : { "number" : "|version|", "build_hash" : "b0b4cb025cb8aa74538124a30a00b137419983a3", "build_timestamp" : "2017-04-19T13:11:11Z", "build_snapshot" : true, "lucene_version" : "5.5.2" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" } You're ready for playing with Elassandra. For instance, try to index a document with the ElasticSearch API, then from cqlsh look for the keyspace/table/row automatically created. Cassandra now benefits from dynamic mapping ! On a production environment, it's better to modify some system settings like disabling swap. This `guide `_ shows you how to. On linux, consider installing `jemalloc `_. DEB package ---------------- .. include:: install_deb.rst RPM package ----------- .. include:: install_rpm.rst Docker image ------------ .. include:: docker.rst .. _source: Build from source -------------------- Requirements: - Oracle JDK 1.8 or OpenJDK 8 - maven >= 3.5 Clone Elassandra repository and Cassandra sub-module::  git clone --recursive cd elassandra Elassandra uses `Maven `_ for its build system. Simply run:: mvn clean package -DskipTests It's gonna take a while, you might go for a cup of tea. If everything succeed, tarballs will be built in: .. parsed-literal:: distribution/tar/target/release/elasandra-|version|-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz distribution/zip/target/release/elasandra-|version| Then follow the instructions for `tarball`_ installation.