Configuration ============= Directory Layout ---------------- Elassandra merge the cassandra and elasticsearch directories as follow : * ``conf`` : Cassandra configuration directory + elasticsearch.yml default configuration file. * ``bin`` : Cassandra scripts + elasticsearch plugin script. * ``lib`` : Cassandra and elasticsearch jar dependency * ``pylib`` : Cqlsh python library. * ``tools`` : Cassandra tools. * ``plugins`` : Elasticsearch plugins installation directory. * ``modules`` : Elasticsearch modules directory. * ``work`` : Elasticsearch working directory. Elasticsearch paths are set according to the following environement variables and system properties : * ``path.home`` : **CASSANDRA_HOME** environement variable, cassandra.home system property, the current directory. * ``path.conf`` : **CASSANDRA_CONF** environement variable, path.conf or path.home. * ```` : **cassandra_storagedir**/data/, system property or path.home/data/ .. _elassandra_configuration: Configuration ------------- Elasticsearch configuration rely on cassandra configuration file **conf/cassandra.yaml** for the following parameters. .. cssclass:: table-bordered +---------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cassandra | Elasticsearch | Description | +===========================+============================+=====================================================================+ | ```` | ``cluster_name`` | Elasticsearch cluster name is mapped to the cassandra cluster name. | +---------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``rpc_address`` | ```` | Elasticsearch network and transport bind addresses | | | ```` | are set to the cassandra rpc listen addresses. | +---------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``broadcast_rpc_address`` | ``network.publish_host`` | Elasticsearch network and transport publish addresses | | | ``transport.publish_host`` | is set to the cassandra broadcast rpc address. | +---------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Node role (master, primary, data) is automatically set by elassandra, standard configuration should only set **cluster_name**, **rpc_address** in the ``conf/cassandra.yaml``. .. CAUTION:: If you use the `GossipPropertyFile `_ Snitch to configure your cassandra datacenter and rack properties in **conf/**, keep in mind this snitch falls back to the PropertyFileSnitch when gossip is not enabled. So, when re-starting the first node, dead nodes can appear in the default DC and rack configured in **conf/**. This also breaks the replica placement strategy and the computation of the Elasticsearch routing tables. So it is strongly recommended to set the same default rack and datacenter in both the **conf/** and **conf/**. Logging configuration --------------------- The cassandra logs in ``logs/system.log`` includes elasticsearch logs according to the your ``conf/logback.conf`` settings. See `cassandra logging configuration `_. Per keyspace (or per table) logging level can be configured using the logger name ``org.elassandra.index.ExtendedElasticSecondaryIndex..``. Multi datacenter configuration ------------------------------ By default, all elassandra datacenters share the same Elasticsearch cluster name and mapping. This mapping is stored in the ``elastic_admin`` keyspace. .. image:: images/elassandra-datacenter-replication.jpg | If you want to manage distinct Elasticsearch clusters inside a cassandra cluster (when indexing differents tables in different datacenter), you can set a ```` in **conf/elasticsearch.yml** and thus, all elassandra datacenters sharing the same datacenter group name will share the same mapping. Those elasticsearch clusters will be named @ and mapping will be stored in a dedicated keyspace.table ``elastic_admin_.metadata``. All ``elastic_admin[_]`` keyspaces are configured with **NetworkReplicationStrategy** (see `data replication `_). where the replication factor is automatically set to the number of nodes in each datacenter. This ensure maximum availibility for the elaticsearch metadata. When removing a node from an elassandra datacenter, you should manually decrease the ``elastic_admin[_]`` replication factor to the number of nodes. When a mapping change occurs, Elassandra updates Elasticsearch metadata in `elastic_admin[_].metadata` within a `lightweight transaction `_ to avoid conflit with concurrent updates. This transaction requires QUORUM available nodes, that is more than half the nodes of one or more datacenters regarding your ```` configuration. It also involve cross-datacenter network latency for each mapping update. .. TIP:: Cassandra cross-datacenter writes are not sent directly to each replica; instead, they are sent to a single replica with a parameter telling that replica to forward to the other replicas in that datacenter; those replicas will respond diectly to the original coordinator. This reduces network trafic between datacenters when having many replica. Elassandra Settings ------------------- Most of the settings can be set at variuous levels : * As a system property, default property is *es.* * At clutser level, default setting is *cluster.default_* * At index level, setting is *index.* * At table level, setting is configured as a *_meta:{ " : }* for a document type. For exemple, ``drop_on_delete_index`` can be : * set as a system property ``es.drop_on_delete_index`` for all created indices. * set at the cluster level with the ``cluster.default_drop_on_delete_index`` dynamic settings, * set at the index level with the ``index.drop_on_delete_index`` dynamic index settings, * set as the Elasticsearch document type level with ``_meta : { "drop_on_delete_index":true }`` in the document type mapping. When a settings is dynamic, it's relevant only for index and cluster setting levels, system and document type setting levels are immutables. +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | Setting | Update | Levels | Default value | Description | | | | | | +===============================+=========+==============================+====================================+================================================================================================================================================================================================+=+=+=+=+=+ | ``secondary_index_class`` | static | index, cluster | **ExtendedElasticSecondaryIndex** | Cassandra secondary index implementation class. This class must implements *org.apache.cassandra.index.Index* interface. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``search_strategy_class`` | dynamic | index, cluster | **PrimaryFirstSearchStrategy** | The search strategy class. Available strategy are : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * *PrimaryFirstSearchStrategy* distributes search requests to all available nodes | | | | | | | | | | | * *RandomSearchStrategy* distributes search requests to a subset of available nodes covering the whole cassandra ring. This improves search performance when RF > 1. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``partition_function_class`` | static | index, cluster | **MessageFormatPartitionFunction** | Partition function implementation class. Available implementations are : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * *MessageFormatPartitionFunction* based on the java MessageFormat.format() | | | | | | | | | | | * *StringPartitionFunction* based on the java String.format(). | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``version_less_engine`` | static | index, cluster, system | **true** | If true, use the optimized lucene *VersionLessEngine* (does not more manage any document version), otherwise, use the standard Elasticsearch Engine. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``mapping_update_timeout`` | dynamic | cluster, system | **30s** | Dynamic mapping update timeout. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``include_node_id`` | dynamic | type, index, cluster, system | **false** | If true, indexes the cassandra hostId in the _node field. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``synchronous_refresh`` | dynamic | type, index, cluster, system | **false** | If true, synchronously refreshes the elasticsearch index on each index updates. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``drop_on_delete_index`` | dynamic | type, index, cluster, system | **false** | If true, drop underlying cassandra tables and keyspace when deleting an index, thus emulating the Elaticsearch behaviour. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``index_on_compaction`` | dynamic | type, index, cluster, system | **false** | If true, modified documents during compacting of Cassandra SSTables are indexed (removed columns or rows invlove a read to reindex). | | | | | | | | | | | This comes with a performance cost for both compactions and subsequent search requests because it generates lucene tombestones, but allows to update documents when rows or columns expires. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``snapshot_with_sstable`` | dynamic | type, index, cluster, system | **false** | If true, snapshot the lucene file when snapshoting SSTable. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``token_ranges_bitset_cache`` | dynamic | index, cluster, system | **false** | If true, caches the token_range filter result for each lucene segment. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``token_ranges_query_expire`` | static | system | **5m** | Defines how long a token_ranges filter query is cached in memory. When such a query is removed from the cache, associated cached token_ranges bitset are also removed for all lucene segments. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``token_precision_step`` | static | system | **6** | Set the lucene numeric precision step, see `Lucene Numeric Range QUery `_. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``index_static_document`` | static | type, index | **false** | If true, indexes static documents (elasticsearch documents containing only static and partition key columns). | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``index_static_only`` | static | type, index | **false** | If true and index_static_document is true, indexes a document containg only the static and partition key columns. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ | ``index_static_columns`` | static | type, index | **false** | If true and index_static_only is false, indexes static columns in the elasticsearch documents, otherwise, ignore static columns. | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------+------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ Sizing and tunning ------------------ Basically, Elassandra requires much CPU than standelone Cassandra or Elasticsearch and Elassandra write throughput should be half the cassandra write throughput if you index all columns. If you only index a subset of columns, performance would be better. Design recommendations : * Increase number of Elassandra node or use partitioned index to keep shards size below 50Gb. * Avoid huge wide rows, write-lock on a wide row can dramatically affect write performance. * Choose the right compaction strategy to fit your workload (See this `blog `_ post by Justin Cameron) System recommendations : * Turn swapping off. * Configure less than half the total memory of your server and up to 30.5Gb. Minimum recommended DRAM for production deployments is 32Gb. If you are not aggregating on analyzed string fields, you can probably use less memory to improve file system cache used by Doc Values (See this `excelent blog `_ post by Chris Earle). * Set -Xms to the same value as -Xmx. * Ensure JNA and jemalloc are correctly installed and enabled. Write performances .................. * By default, Elasticsearch analyzes the input data of all fields in a special **_all** field. If you don't need it, disable it. * By default, Elasticsearch shards are refreshed every second, making new document visible for search within a second. If you don't need it, increase the refresh interval to more than a second, or even turn if off temporarily by setting the refresh interval to -1. * Use the optimized version less Lucene engine (the default) to reduce index size. * Disable ``index_on_compaction`` (default is *false*) to avoid the Lucene segments merge overhead when compacting SSTables. * Index partitioning may increase write throughput by writing to several Elasticsearch indexes in parallel, but choose an efficient partition function implementation. For exemple, *String.format()* is much more faster that *Message.format()*. Search performances ................... * Use 16 to 64 vnodes per node to reduce the complexity of the token_ranges filter. * Use the random search strategy and increase the Cassandra replication factor to reduce the number of nodes requires for a search request. * Enable the ``token_ranges_bitset_cache``. This cache compute the token ranges filter once per Lucene segment. Check the token range bitset cache statistics to ensure this caching is efficient. * Enable Cassandra row caching to reduce the overhead introduce by fetching the requested fields from the underlying Cassandra table. * Enable Cassandra off-heap row caching in your Cassandra configuration. * When this is possible, clean lucene tombestones (updated or deleted documents) and reduce the number of Lucene segments by forcing a merge.