Integration =========== Integration with an existing cassandra cluster ---------------------------------------------- Elassandra include a modified version of cassandra 2.2, so **all nodes of a cluster should run elassandra binaries**. However, you can start a node with or without the elasticsearch support. Obviously, all nodes of a datacenter should run cassandra only or cassandra with elasticsearch. Rolling upgrade to elassandra ............................. Before starting any elassandra node with elasticsearch enable, do a rolling replace of the cassandra binaries by the elassandra ones. For each node : * Install elassandra. * Replace the elassandra configuration files by the one from your existing cluster (cassandra.yml and snitch configuration file) * Stop your cassandra node. * Restart cassandra ``elassandra bin/cassandra`` or cassandra with elasticsearch enable ``elassandra bin/cassandra -e`` Create a new elassandra datacenter .................................. The overall procedure is similar the cassandra one describe on For earch nodes in your new datacenter : * Install elassandra. * Set ``auto_bootstrap: false`` in your **conf/cassandra.yaml**. * Start cassandra-only nodes in your new datacenter and check that all nodes join the cluster. .. code:: bin/cassandra * Restart all nodes in your new datacenter with elasticsearch enable. You should see started shards but empty indices. .. code:: bin/cassandra -e * Set the replication factor of indexed keyspaces to one or more in your new datacenter. * Pull data from your existaing datacenter. .. code:: nodetool rebuild After rebuild on all your new nodes, you should see the same number of document for each indices in your new and existing datacenters. * Set ``auto_bootstrap: true`` (default value) in your **conf/cassandra.yaml** * Create new elasticsearch index or map some existing cassandra tables. .. TIP:: If you need to replay this procedure for a node : * stop your node * nodetool removenode * clear data, commitlogs and saved_cache directories. Installing an Elasticsearch plugins ----------------------------------- Elasticsearch plugin installation remains unchanged, see elasticsearch `plugin installation `_. * bin/plugin install Running Kibana with Elassandra ------------------------------ `Kibana `_ version 4.6 can run with Elassandra, providing a visualization tool for cassandra and elasticsearch data. * If you want to load sample data from the `Kibana Getting started `_, apply the following changes to logstash.jsonl with a sed command. .. code:: s/logstash-2015.05.18/logstash_20150518/g s/logstash-2015.05.19/logstash_20150519/g s/logstash-2015.05.20/logstash_20150520/g s/article:modified_time/articleModified_time/g s/article:published_time/articlePublished_time/g s/article:section/articleSection/g s/article:tag/articleTag/g s/og:type/ogType/g s/og:title/ogTitle/g s/og:description/ogDescription/g s/og:site_name/ogSite_name/g s/og:url/ogUrl/g s/og:image:width/ogImageWidth/g s/og:image:height/ogImageHeight/g s/og:image/ogImage/g s/twitter:title/twitterTitle/g s/twitter:description/twitterDescription/g s/twitter:card/twitterCard/g s/twitter:image/twitterImage/g s/twitter:site/twitterSite/g JDBC Driver sql4es + Elassandra ------------------------------- The `Elasticsearch JDBC driver `_. can be used with elassandra. Here is a code example : .. code:: java Class.forName("nl.anchormen.sql4es.jdbc.ESDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sql4es://localhost:9300/twitter?"); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT user,avg(size),count(*) FROM tweet GROUP BY user"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int nrCols = rsmd.getColumnCount(); while({ for(int i=1; i<=nrCols; i++){ System.out.println(rs.getObject(i)); } } rs.close(); con.close(); Running Spark with Elassandra ----------------------------- A modified version of the `elasticsearch-hadoop `_ connector is available for elassandra at ``_. This connector works with spark as describe in the elasticsearch documentation available at ``. For example, in order to submit a spark job in client mode. .. code:: java bin/spark-submit --driver-class-path /elasticsearch-spark_2.10-2.2.0.jar --master spark://:7077 --deploy-mode client