
Elasticsearch comes with a testing framework based on JUNIT and RandomizedRunner provided by the randomized-testing project. Most of these tests work with Elassandra to ensure compatibility between Elasticsearch and Elassandra.

Testing environnement

By default, JUnit creates one instance for each test class and executes each @Test method in parallel with many threads. Because Cassandra uses many static variables, concurrent testing is not possible, so each test is executed sequentially (using a semaphore to serialize tests) on a single node Elassandra cluster listening on localhost, see ESSingleNodeTestCase]). Test configuration is located in core/src/test/resources/conf, data and logs are generated in core/build/testrun/test/J0.

Between each test, all indices (and underlying keyspaces and tables) are removed to have idempotent testings and avoid conflicts with index names. System settings es.synchronous_refresh and es.drop_on_delete_index are set to true in the parent pom.xml.

Finally, the testing framework randomizes the local settings representing a specific geographical, political, or cultural region, but Apache Cassandra does not support such setting because string manipulation are implemented with the default locale settings (see CASSANDRA-12334). For exemple, String.format(“SELECT %s FROM …”,…) is computed as String.format(Local.getDefault(),”SELECT %s FROM …”,…), involving errors for some Locale setting. As a workaround, a javassit byte-code manipulation in the Ant build step adds a Locale.ROOT argument to weak the method calls in all Cassandra classes.

Elassandra unit test

Elassandra unit test allows using both the Elasticsearch API and CQL requests as shown in the following example.

public class BasicTests extends ESSingleNodeTestCase {

    public void testTest() throws Exception {

     process(ConsistencyLevel.ONE,"CREATE TABLE cmdb.server ( name text, ip inet, netmask int, prod boolean, primary key (name))");
             .setSource("{ \"server\" : { \"discover\" : \".*\", \"properties\": { \"name\":{ \"type\":\"keyword\" }}}}")

     process(ConsistencyLevel.ONE,"insert into cmdb.server (name,ip,netmask,prod) VALUES ('localhost','',8,true)");
     process(ConsistencyLevel.ONE,"insert into cmdb.server (name,ip,netmask,prod) VALUES ('my-server','',24,true)");

     assertThat(client().prepareGet().setIndex("cmdb").setType("server").setId("my-server").get().isExists(), equalTo(true));
     assertThat(client().prepareGet().setIndex("cmdb").setType("server").setId("localhost").get().isExists(), equalTo(true));

     assertEquals(client().prepareIndex("cmdb", "server", "bigserver234")
         .setSource("{\"ip\": \"\", \"netmask\":32, \"prod\" : true, \"description\": \"my big server\" }")
         .get().getResult(), DocWriteResponse.Result.CREATED);

     assertThat(client().prepareSearch().setIndices("cmdb").setTypes("server").setQuery(QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery("*:*")).get().getHits().getTotalHits(), equalTo(3L));

To run this specific test :

$gradle :core:test -Dtests.seed=96A0B026F3E89763 -Dtests.class=org.elassandra.BasicTests  -Dtests.security.manager=false -Dtests.locale=it-IT -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Tomsk

To run all core unit tests :

$gradle core:test